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Enjoy 6 holes of fun and challenges on our putting course.

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Read / Rules & Regulations

Golfing Bye-Laws

1. General
  • Marina Bay Golf Course (“MBGC”) is a public golf course managed and operated by a private owner known as NCI Golf Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of NTUC.
  • Any person who wishes to play a round of golf at MBGC agrees and accepts unconditionally that any booking for a round of golf at MBGC is made subject to these Rules and Regulations and he/she shall observe, abide by and be bound by these Rules and Regulations.
  • Under no circumstances is NCI Golf Pte Ltd to be responsible for any injury or death howsoever or whatsoever caused to any visitors or golfers or for any loss or damage or theft howsoever or whatsoever caused to the belongings or properties of the visitors or golfers.
  • You are advised to report to the Golf Department immediately for any violation, irregularities or incidents, and any loss or damage caused to any property.
  • Anyone found to have caused damage to or theft of any NCI Golf's property shall be liable to pay the repair or replacement cost of such NCI Golf’s property, and may be reported to the Police for investigation. 
  • In these Rules and Regulations, reference to appropriate action to be taken by MBGC shall without any limitation mean giving warning, enforcement of Yellow/Red Card System, directing any visitor or golfer to discontinue or stop play or to vacate the course and premises of MBGC immediately, disallowing any visitor or golfer to use the facilities of MBGC, serving unwelcome notice to any visitor or golfer and or taking legal action or such other action as MBGC deems fit and necessary.
  • Where appropriate action has been taken, all fees paid together with GST (and any other charges paid, if any) shall not be refunded to any golfer unless otherwise provided in these Rules and Regulations.
  • MBGC reserves all rights to amend, add to, modify or change these Rules and Regulations from time to time without any prior notice and reason(s).

2. Rates and Payment
  • Prevailing charges apply. Please refer to the website/notice for more details.
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST) is payable on all charges.
  • All golf charges are non-transferable.
  • There are different rates of golfing charges as follows:
    • Singapore citizen rate;
    • Singapore permanent resident rate;
    • my golf kaki rate; and
    • Visitor rate
  • Any non-Singapore citizen holding valid pass or permit to visit, reside or work in Singapore shall pay the visitor’s rate (unless he or she is a member of my golf kaki). Any person who fails or is not able to produce any supporting document of his/her nationality on demand during registration shall pay the visitor’s rate. An administrative fee will be charged for any request for change of golfing charges if such person subsequently produces such supporting document after registration.
  • Only cash, CashCards, NETS, Visa and MasterCard credit cards are accepted when making payments in person at MBGC.
  • For advance booking (as defined below), all advance booking fees and golf charges (including evening and night golf lighting charges if applicable, and GST) must be paid upon booking. The booking will be considered accepted and confirmed when MBGC acknowledges receipt of the full amount payable.
  • MBGC reserves the rights to revise its prevailing charges, advance booking fees, night golf lighting charges and administrative fees from time to time without any prior notice or any reason(s).
3. Booking and Reservation

  • Booking may be made for a round of 18 holes for day, evening and night golf or a round of 9 holes for both day golf and night golf subject to availability of tee times allocated for either round.
  • For golfers who wish to play an additional round of 18 holes or 9 holes (“additional round”) on the day of play, they may do so subject to the availability of tee times and payment of charges. The charges for the additional round must be paid in advance at the Guest Relations Counter before golfers commence their additional round. Any booking for additional round is not a guaranteed round to be continued immediately after the completion of the existing round of golf and MBGC has the right to allocate the available tee time to golfers for the additional round.
  • Advance booking is permitted to secure a flight. For the avoidance of doubt, any booking for a flight made more than five (5) days in advance is regarded as advance booking and any booking for a flight made five (5) days or less is regarded as current booking.
  • An advance booking fee at such rate as MBGC may from time to time impose is payable for advance booking.
  • Advance booking fee is not refundable under any circumstance.
  • Priority for a flight will be given to advance booking for at least three (3) golfers. Advance booking for single or two (2) golfers may be accepted at the sole discretion of MBGC if the booking is for a non-peak time slot.
  • There shall be no more than four (4) golfers and two (2) buggies in each flight unless approved by MBGC.
  • Booking can be done 24 hours on-line or via email (additional non-refundable 3% on all charges as administrative fee will apply) from 9.00am to 5.00pm, or in person at the Guest Relations Counter from 8.00am to 9.00pm daily. 
  • The golfer who does the booking shall be the "lead golfer". MBGC will only accept instructions on name changes (substituted golfer) from the "lead golfer" before the round of golf has commenced. Only those golfers named on the booking form (including substituted golfer) and whose identities and nationalities have been verified with their IDs will be allowed to play on the stipulated day.
  • A booking including a junior golfer (as defined in Rule 16) must be accompanied by an adult golfer with handicap.
  • The following information and document must be furnished at the time of booking by the lead golfer:
    • Full name of golfers (as per NRIC or Passport);
    • Nationality of golfers;
    • Lead golfer email address and contact number;
    • Golfer’s insurance, if any.
  • The supporting documents for the aforesaid information (eg. NRIC or Passport) and latest/current and valid official handicap certificates must be produced for verification and inspection at the Guest Relations Counter on the day of play thirty (30) minutes before the registration for play.
  • MBGC shall have absolute discretion and right to accept any player or reject any booking or registration if any player is not able to furnish the aforesaid information during booking and or produce the supporting documents during registration.
  • MBGC reserves all rights to slot in golfers to fill any vacant slots without having to inform the "lead golfer".
4. Additional Players

  • All booking requests for 5 or 6 players in a flight are subject to approval.
  • Booking has to be done via email only. Email booking fee is waived
  • Only golfers with official handicaps not more than 18 for men and 24 for ladies are allowed to form a 5 or 6-player flight.
  • Golfers are expected to play at good pace and keep pace with the group in front.
  • Golfers are expected to complete playing 9 holes in 2 hours 11 minutes and playing 18 holes in 4 hours 25 minutes.
  • Golfers who are behind their time position on the golf course have to speed up to their original time clocking position on the golf course. Golfers who are not able to do so may be requested to skip holes and there shall be no refund of any fees paid.
  • Golfers must be ready to play as soon as it is their turn to play. When the play of a hole has been completed, golfers should immediately leave the putting green and proceed to the next tee.
  • All golfers must play with one ball at all times. If a golfer believes his/her ball may be lost or out of bounds, to save time, he/she should play a provisional ball.
  • Golfers searching for a ball should signal the golfers behind them to play though as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball will not easily be found. They should not search for three (3) minutes before doing so.
  • Golfers are advised not to indulge in picking up balls from the ponds and burns, causing slow play.
  • MBGC reserves the rights to direct any golfer to skip hole(s) without any refund of golfing charges if the golfers in a flight do not adhere to pace of play.
  • MBGC reserved the rights to split the group of 5 or 6-player flight to other tee times.

5. Tee Times

  • There are Day golf, and Evening and Night golf. MBGC reserves an absolute discretion to suspend or change the tee times, tee box position and days for day golf and night golf without any prior notice or any reason(s).
  • For current booking as defined above, tee time on the desired day of play shall be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis subject to availability of tee times.
  • No change or substitution of golfers is allowed at ten (10) minutes before the round of golf is about to start.
  • Please refer to website/notice for more details on tee times.

6. Registration and Handicap Requirements

  • The lead golfer (or any golfer from his flight) for advance booking and any golfer for current booking for either day, evening or night golf must register in person at the Guest Relations Counter no less than thirty (30) minutes before the stipulated tee time. Late comers for registration will be rescheduled either to the next time slot or to the last flight of the day if available, and if no time slot is available for the day, will be cancelled with no refund of any fees at the absolute discretion of MBGC. While registration of a golfer who has not shown up during registration is acceptable (subject to MBGC’s right to inspect and verify the supporting documents on the golfer’s arrival), payment for such golfer must be made at the time of registration and if such golfer does not show up by and after the tee time, such golfer shall not be allowed to tee off and all fees paid for such golfer shall not be refunded.
  • During registration on the day of play, all golfers must produce their ID/Passports for verification. All golfers must produce their latest/current and valid official handicap certificates, failing which the golfer who wishes to play shall go for and pass a golf course swing assessment conducted by MBGC’s official or its authorized professional at a non-refundable fee of $10 (subject to GST) per test per person. Only golfers with latest/current and valid official handicap certificates are allowed to play at MBGC. All handicap certificates must be from recognized golf governing bodies and associations.
  • Any person who is unable to produce any latest/current and valid official handicap certificate or who fails the golf course swing assessment is not allowed to play. Any request for refund shall be governed by Rule 11.
  • Adults with proficiency certificates (“PC”) issued by SGA associate and ordinary members (local golf clubs) are allowed to play in MBGC on weekdays before 2.00pm only subject to booking and availability of tee times. Unless authorised by MBGC, PCs issued by other golf academies/entities/bodies will not be recognized by MBGC. There shall be no more than two (2) PC holders in each flight and two (2) PC holders are not allowed to share a buggy unless approved by MBGC.
  • Upon successful registration, all golfers shall be issued non-transferable Course Tickets. They shall proceed to the Buggy Issuance Area to inspect and collect their buggies at least ten (10) minutes before the stipulated tee time and then proceed to the tee box without delay. Once buggies are driven off, the golfers are deemed to have inspected and accepted the condition of the buggies.
  • A group of three (3) or four (4) golfers shall have priority over single or two (2) golfers during registration. Single or two (2) golfers (except those whose time slot is guaranteed through advance booking) shall be placed on the waiting list unless they join with another single or two (2) golfers to make a group of not less than three (3) golfers. MBGC may at its discretion either allow single or two (2) or more golfers (not exceeding six (6) golfers) to tee off, whenever appropriate, or direct any single or two (2) golfers (including those whose time slot is guaranteed through advance booking) to join another group should there be vacant slots available.
  • While MBGC’s staff will endeavour to serve and assist any golfer during registration, MBGC reserves its right to take appropriate action as it deems fit and necessary if any person uses abusive, obscene or vulgar language or whose behavior is unreasonable or rude toward any of its staff.

7. Control of Play
  • All golfers shall produce their ID, non-transferable Course Tickets and handicap or proficiency certification demand at the tee box or during the round.
  • All golfers commencing a round of golf shall start at the tee box as directed or designated and shall play each hole thereafter in proper sequence.
  • Golfers who wish to start from the Canopy tee box or request for flexi-hole tee off shall seek prior permission from MBGC. Permission may be subject to condition(s) imposed by MBGC. If permission is granted, all golfers in the flight shall tee off from the same tee box.
  • Golfers must play in the time slot booked and not in any other slot.
  • Only golfers with official handicaps not more than 24 for men and 36 for ladies are allowed to play during weekends / public holidays.
  • For day golf and evening golf, all golfers shall tee off from their respective tee-boxes according to their handicaps as follows:
    • Men: Handicaps 0 to 18 (Blue) / All Handicaps (White)
    • Ladies: Handicaps 0 to 18 (White) / All Handicaps (Red)
  • For night golf (including all playing flights already on the golf course), all golfers shall tee off from the following tee boxes from 4.30pm onwards unless otherwise permitted by MBGC:
    • Men of Any Handicap (White)
    • Ladies of Any Handicap (Red)
  • For night golf, no male golfer shall tee off from blue tee box and no female golfer shall tee off from white box unless otherwise permitted by MBGC.
  • All golfers shall report to the starting tee box at least ten (10) minutes before their tee time. Late comers to the starting tee box will be rescheduled either to the next time slot or to the last flight of the day if available, and if no time slot is available for the day, will be cancelled with no refund of any fees at the absolute discretion of MBGC. For the avoidance of doubt, where one (1) golfer in a flight does not show up at the starting tee box by the tee times, that flight will be considered late comers.
  • MGBC reserves all rights to slot in golfers to fill any vacant slots without having to inform the "lead golfer".
  • Before or during play, Marshals or authorized officers of MBGC may direct single or two (2) golfers to pair with golfers who are in front or behind each other should there be vacant slots within the flight. Marshals or authorized officers of MBGC may also direct four (4) golfers to split into groups of two (2) where applicable.
  • Golfers, particularly single or two (2) golfers, if allowed to tee off, shall allow the other golfers behind to pass through during play as and when they are so directed by Marshals or authorized officers of MBGC.
  • Marshals, Starters and authorized officers of MBGC are authorized to monitor the conduct of golfers, slow play and handicap restrictions during control of play.
  • MBGC may at its absolute discretion require any golfer to discontinue his/her play if in the opinion of MBGC, the golfer has misbehaved or whose conduct is prejudicial or is a nuisance to other golfers, with no refund of any fee.
  • MBGC reserves the rights to direct any golfer to tee off at the appropriate tee box or to stop play immediately without any refund of golfing charges if the golfer whose play is inconsistent with his/her handicap.
  • Golfers must not play until the group is out of range. Appropriate action will be taken against golfers who engage in dangerous play.
  • All golfers shall observe, comply with and adhere strictly to the local rules and Yellow/Red Card System during play. Please refer to the website, the scorecard or the Notice Board at the Buggy Issuance Area for more details of the Local Rules and Yellow/Red Card System.
  • MBGC may at its absolute discretion, suspend or modify without prior notice or any reason(s), the control of play guidelines.

8. Practice Greens
  • Golfer who wishes to make use of the practice greens is required to furnish full name (as per NRIC or Passport) and produce ID card/Passport for verification purposes. Golfer must pay at the reception counter before he/she commences practice session. A sticker will be issued to the individual and must be displayed notably. Fees paid for use of practice greens are not refundable and subject to GST.
  • No golfer, unless approved by MBGC, shall be allowed to make use of the practice greens after their game unless he/she has made payment for the use of the practice greens.
  • All below 12 years of age have to be accompanied by a resident golf professional or playing adult with a valid golf handicap.
  • All golfers shall observe, comply with and adhere strictly to any instructions displayed at the practice greens. Eg. Pitching is not allowed on the putting green and golfers must practise bunker shots in the direction of the practice green.
  • Ticket for use of practice greens is not refundable once paid.
9. Cancellation / No Show by Golfer

  • Notice of cancellation must be made in writing by the lead golfer either by email or facsimile to MBGC no less than two (2) days before the stipulated day of play. Cancellation of booking is deemed to be accepted when MBGC acknowledges receipt of the notice of cancellation by return email or facsimile. No request for cancellation of advance booking by telephone shall be accepted.
  • MBGC may (but not obliged to) consider any request for refund on a case by case basis if there are extenuating circumstances for cancellation or no show. Such request for refund on the ground of extenuating circumstances must be made in writing to the Golf Department within two (2) days from the stipulated day of play reserved by booking. If no request is made within two (2) days as aforesaid, the golfer shall be deemed to have foregone his/her request.
  • Any notice of reduction of the number of golfers on the stipulated day of play with refund shall not be accepted.
  • For bookings made on the day of play, if any golfer does not make payment within one (1) hour from the call before the tee time, the booking will be cancelled and made available to other golfer.
  • If fees have been paid and the golfer does not show up by the tee time, all fees paid by or for such golfer will not be refunded.
10. Cancellation by MBGC

  • If there is announcement of course closure due to inclement weather and/or wet conditions or where MBGC at its absolute discretion deems fit and necessary, golfer who has not started playing or teed off when the announcement is made may apply for a refund (excluding advance booking fees and golf course swing assessment, if any).
  • If there is announcement of temporary course suspension beyond 45 minutes, golfers who have not started playing or teed off may apply for refund, subjected to approval on case-by-case basis.
  • With effect from 1 June 2024 date of play onwards, rain checks will no longer be issued.

    Applicable only for rain checks issued before 1 June 2024:
  • Rain check must be claimed on the same day in person. Any application for rain check made after the stipulated day of play will not be entertained. Rain check is valid for a period of one (1) month from the date of issue. No rain check will be issued and no refund of golfing charges will be made to any golfer if the golfer has teed off.
  • Rain checks may be used for a round (9 or 18 holes) on any day. There shall be no refund of any golf charge if rain checks for weekend games are used on weekdays. A top-up of the difference between the weekend and weekday golf charges is required should rain checks for weekdays game be used for weekends game.
  • Utilisation of rain checks for 9 holes on 18 holes can be made with a top-up of the golf charges for another 9 holes but not vice versa.
  • Payment of the lighting charge or top-up of the difference in lighting charges is required for evening or night golf play if the rain check issued for day golf or evening golf respectively is used for evening or night golf, but not vice versa.
  • Use of rain check is subject to availability of time slot.
11. Refund

  • Golfing charges together with GST (including advance booking and evening and night golf lighting fees) are generally not refundable.
  • In the event no notice of cancellation is made for advance bookings as aforesaid and all golfers or any golfer named in the advance booking does not show up on the stipulated day of play, all fees paid for all golfers or any golfer named in the advance booking shall not be refunded.
  • In the event of the notice of cancellation for advance booking is made and accepted by MBGC as aforesaid, golfing charges paid (including evening and night golf lighting fee, if any) shall be refunded but the advance booking fee is forfeited. An administrative fee at the rate of 10% of all golfing charges except advance booking fee shall apply and be deducted from the golfing charges to be refunded.
  • In the event that a notice of cancellation is made less than two (2) days before the stipulated date of play and accepted by MBGC, a cancellation fee of 50% of all golfing charges shall apply.
  • Refund will be made in a form of a cheque. For credit card payment, refund will be made through the credit card company.
  • If refund is not claimed within 90 days, it will be forfeited.
12. Inclement Weather and Siren Signals

  • Golfers are advised to stop play immediately and seek shelter at the nearest lightning protected rain shelter or building in the event of lightning. All buggies must be strictly driven on cart path only unless otherwise directed by marshals or the authorized person of MBGC.
  • Siren signals are as follows:
    • Discontinue play: Series of 20 seconds blasts
    • Resume play: Series of 5 seconds blasts
    • Abandon play: Continuous blast
  • All golfers shall discontinue play immediately when the siren for discontinue play is sounded. Play shall resume only after the resume play siren is sounded.
  • No golfer shall continue play when the course is closed or resume play before the course is re-opened for play.
  • When course is re-opened for play, Marshals or the authorized person of MBGC may direct golfers to discontinue the game and make way for the next session if they are not able to cross-over before the commencement of the next session. No refund of any fees will be made.
  • If golfers decide to abandon their round before the course is re-opened for play, there shall be no refund of any fees.
  • Golfers who fail to observe, abide by or comply with Rule 12(3) do so at their own risk. MBGC reserves its right to ask such golfers to stop play immediately for the round (even when course is re-open) with no refund of any fees paid.
13. Use of Buggies
  • Buggies are the properties of MBGC and are to be strictly used within the permitted area of the premises of MBGC.
  • Unless approved otherwise by MBGC, the use of buggies is compulsory. 
  • Buggies must strictly be kept to the cart paths unless otherwise advised by MBGC. If buggies are allowed free roaming on the course, they must be kept within the permitted roaming area and zoneRecalcitrant golfers who violate this rule will be given warnings and/or asked to vacate MBGC immediately. There will be no refund of any fees paid.
  • All Marshals, maintenance personnel or authorized persons are allowed free roaming.
  • Only adult golfers are allowed to drive the buggies. MBGC reserves the right to direct a golfer not to drive if there are reasonable grounds that he/she is not fit to do so.
  • All golfers must return the buggies to the Buggy Return Area immediately upon completion of the golf round and must not drive to the practice greens for practice or drive the buggies out of the premises.
  • Abuse of buggies of any kind is strictly forbidden. MBGC reserves the right to take appropriate action (including reporting to the police) against any errant golfer with no refund of any fees. The errant golfer shall be liable to pay for any loss or damage caused to the buggy.
  • The use of buggies is at the golfers' own risk.
  • All golfers are under a duty to inspect and check that the buggy is in working and good condition and exercise care when operating the buggies. Golfers are liable for all cost of assessment, repair and replacement for damages caused to the Global Positioning System, buggy, any part of the course or damages for injuries to any golfer or person arising from the use of the buggies.
  • MBGC shall not be liable for any loss of score records howsoever occurs in the Global Positioning System.
  • MBGC may take such appropriate action against golfers who refuse to pay for damages caused by the use of the buggy as aforesaid until the claim is resolved.
14. Pace of Play
  • All golfers are expected to play at a good pace. It is everyone's responsibility to keep pace with the group in front. Golfers are expected to complete playing 9 holes in 2 hours 11 minutes and playing 18 holes in 4 hours 25 minutes.
  • Golfers who are behind their time position on the golf course have to speed up to their original time clocking position on the golf course. Golfers who are not able to do so may be requested to skip holes and there shall be no refund of any fees paid.
  • Golfers must be ready to play as soon as it is their turn to play. When the play of a hole has been completed, golfers should immediately leave the putting green and proceed to the next tee.
  • All golfers must play with one golf ball at all times. If a golfer believes his/her ball may be lost or out of bound, to save time, he/she should play a provisional ball.
  • Golfers searching for a ball should signal the golfers behind them to play through as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball will not easily be found. They should not search for three (3) minutes before doing so.
  • Golfers are advised not to indulge in picking up balls from the ponds and burns, causing slow play.
  • MBGC reserves the rights to direct any golfer to skip hole(s) without any refund of golfing charges if the golfers in a flight do not adhere to pace of play.
15. Observance of Golf Etiquette and Rules
  • For the enjoyment of all, golfers must take care of the golf course by:
    • Raking the bunkers
    • Repairing divots
    • Repairing ball marks
    • Avoiding causing damage to the golf course when taking practice swings or hitting the head of a club into the ground and green, whether in anger or for any other reason(s) or dragging any club/putter or golf shoes on the green
    • Avoiding greens, tee boxes, bunkers, pond, GURs, immovable obstructions and out of bounds areas while on buggies/ scooters
    • Staying clear of the tree roots, mud, sand, loose dirt or gravel, and water puddles while on buggies/ scooters
    • Refraining from littering.
  • Golfers are not allowed to enter the pond.
  • If a golfer consistently disregards these guidelines and rules during a round, appropriate action will be taken against the offending golfer.
  • In the event a violation of any of the guidelines and rules by any golfer results in any dispute or injury caused to the body or property of any golfer or person (inside or outside the golf course), the offending golfer shall deal with and be personally liable to the innocent golfer or person and shall indemnify MBGC against any claim and cost arising therefrom by his violation.

16. Junior Golfers
  • A golfer who is at and under the age of sixteen (16) is a junior golfer.
  • Junior golfers under the age of sixteen (16) must have a valid proficiency certificate. Those below the age of twelve (12) must have official handicap and be accompanied by a playing adult golfer who is preferably known or related to the junior golfer.
  • In the event a playing adult golfer, at the request of the junior golfer or his legal guardian, accepts to accompany the junior golfer, temporary custody of the junior golfer shall be deemed to have been entrusted and approved by the legal guardian of such junior golfer and the adult player shall be deemed to have undertaken to guide, look after and take care of the junior golfer throughout the round.
  • Junior golfers are not allowed to operate a buggy/ golf scooter unless otherwise permitted by MBGC.
17. Attire and Equipment
  • All golfers shall be properly attired. The use of soft spikes golf shoes is compulsory within the premises or on the golf course. Torn, patched, scanty or provocative attire is not acceptable. MBGC reserves the rights to disallow golfers with unacceptable attire to remain within the premises or from playing with no refund of any fees paid.
  • There shall be no sharing of golf bags and golf clubs.
  • For easy identification and security reasons, golfers are advised to put identification tags on their golf bags.
  • All golfers should take care of their own golf bags and golf clubs and MBGC shall not be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever and wheresoever caused.
  • Any golf club(s) left behind shall be the responsibility of and at the own risk of the owner. While MBGC will endeavour to assist the owner to locate the lost club, MBGC shall not be held obliged to do so and or made to pay for such lost club.
  • Rental of golf sets are available at the Pro Shop. Please make reservation directly with the Pro shop.
18. Lost and Found
  • Any item found within the premises and delivered to MBGC will be retained by MBGC for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of delivery for the rightful owner to claim. This clause shall not be deemed to have imposed an obligation on MBGC to accept delivery of any item found to the rightful owner.
  • MBGC shall not be liable or responsible to maintain or take good care of or protect and/or for any loss or damage caused to any such item, under any circumstances, found and delivered to MBGC during its retention.
  • MBGC has an absolute discretion to reject any claim for the item lodged by any person if the claimant is not able to prove to the satisfaction of MBGC of his/her right or ownership to the item. MBGC has the right to obtain from the claimants before handing over the items to claimants, proper identification, precise description of the items lost, probable location of the lost, the approximate time of the lost and, where applicable, proof of ownership.
  • If no rightful owner claims the item so found and retained by MBGC within thirty (30) days from the date of delivery, it shall be lawful for MBGC to sell or dispose of the item in any manner as MBGC shall think fit and MBGC shall not subsequently be held liable for conversion and/or to account to the rightful owner of the item.

19. Golfers' Insurance
  • All golfers must have their own golfers' insurance.
  • For those without, they must purchase their golfers' insurance from MBGC on a per round basis at registration.
  • If any risk occurred is not covered by the golfer’s insurance, the golfer shall be liable for the occurrence of such risk himself/herself.
  • The golfer’s insurance is not transferable and no golfer shall or attempt to make use of other golfer’s insurance to cover a risk the occurrence of which is caused by his/her own act or omission.
20. Use of Shower & Locker / Towel Facility
  • Unauthorised personnel are strictly not allowed.
  • Charges for rental of lockers and usage of shower facilities must first be paid at the Golf Counter before usage.
  • Complimentary access and usage of the facilities is only applicable for golfers who have a valid tee time for the day.
  • Persons using the locker and shower room should be considerate to other users.
  • Do not spill sunblock or any cream or dirty or soil the floor or any part of the locker area. Keep the facility clean and dry.
  • Children above the age of 5 are not allowed in the locker and shower room of the opposite sex.
  • Lockers are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Keys must be obtained from and returned to the towel counter.
  • Loss of locker key, access card and towel as well as loss or damage howsoever caused to any item of or for use at the locker and shower room is chargeable.  
21. General Conduct of Visitors or Golfers
  • Only paying golfers and visitors with course tickets are allowed on the golf course – companion/gallery walking is strictly not allowed.
  • Unless authority is granted, any vehicle parked indiscriminately or overnight in the car park or within any part of the premises will be wheel-clamped, and the unclamped fee is $200.00. A daily charge of $100 per day or any part thereof will be charged for unauthorised overnight parking until collection of the vehicle in addition to the unclamped fee of $200.
  • NCI Golf will not be responsible for any loss or damage howsoever caused to the vehicle during the period of unauthorised parking.
  • Joggers and cyclists are strictly not allowed on the golf course.
  • Pets are not allowed on the premises.
  • Littering is an offence.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited within the premises (including driving range) or any part thereof, except for designated smoking areas.
  • All visitors or golfers must behave in a considerate and courteous manner towards other persons and MBGC's officers and employees.
  • No person shall use any obscene abusive or vulgar language or behave in such a way as to cause annoyance or distress to another person and MBGC's officers and employees.
  • No person shall reprimand any MBGC's officers, employees, authorized persons, visitors or golfers for any reason(s) whatsoever. Any feedback or complaint shall be made in writing direct to the General Manager of MBGC. Any anonymous feedback or complaint will not be entertained. MBGC may at its absolute discretion entertain or reject any feedback or complaint as it may deem fit and suitable without giving any reason(s).
  • No commercial photography or shooting (including filming) is allowed within the premises or on the golf course or any part thereof without the prior approval in writing of MBGC.
  • MBGC reserves its absolute right to declare a visitor or golfer to be an unwelcome visitor or golfer. An unwelcome visitor or golfer may be barred from entering the premises or using all facilities of MBGC.


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